Maggie the speaker

Like many people, especially many authors, I was once terrified of public speaking. But I have learned that it’s a skill that gets better with practice – just like everything else in life.  Now it has become a critical element of my writing life, and  — to my utter amazement – I absolutely love doing it.

I have developed a reputation as a speaker who “knows her stuff,” as one person put it, and delivers it with humor and warmth.  The feedback I get tells me that people in the audience have a good time and go home feeling they learned something new. For me, there’s no better reward.

On the pages that follow, you can get a preview of the some of the topics for which I regularly do presentations. To date, my primary focus for these talks has been threefold: gardening, cooking, writing/publishing. But I want to let you know that in many cases, those presentations came about at the suggestion of others: either folks in the audience at one of my talks, or the person who scheduled those talks asked for another. So, if you are a member of an organization that brings in outside speakers, and would like to chat with me about these topics or others that your group might be interested in, I’d love to hear from you.