I’m doing some fun talks in the days ahead. If you’re close by, I’d love to see you there.
Grow Your Vegetable Garden in Containers. Thursday, April 11, 2:00 pm. Part of the LifeLong Learning lecture series, sponsored by Courtyard Fountains Community, 1545 SE 223rd St, Gresham.
Let’s Talk About Tea Parties. On Saturday, April 13, at 2:00 in the afternoon, I’ll be doing a program about tea parties at a charming tea shop in Tillamook, Oregon. The shop is called LaTeaDa, 904 Main Ave., 503-842-5447. For $5, guests enjoy tea and fresh-made scones, while I share ideas for planning tea parties and Easter brunch. Copies of my book Country Tea Parties will be available for purchase.