Corn on the cob, home-grown tomatoes, watermelon, ripe peaches. This is summer, pure and simple. They’re all wonderful, but for the moment we’re just going to talk about that corn. It’s the quintessential summer vegetable, without which no cookout is complete.
But don’t you hate having to do all that cleaning first?
What if I told you that you can skip that step?
No, really, this is much, much easier. And it works every time.
I hit upon this technique last summer when I was jonesing for corn on the cob but just too tired to do all the work. I never thought it was particularly innovative; in fact, before I sent this to you I researched the topic and found several comments about cooking corn this way. Still, everyone I’ve shown this technique to has gone bonkers over it.
And, yes, I know you can do something very similar on a grill. If you have one. Which I don’t. So – – – -.